Polyclinique Les Jasmins has one of the largest Maghrebian centers for assisted reproductive medicine, established in 1993.
An entire floor is dedicated to Assisted Reproductive Medicine, comprising both clinical and biological aspects, equipped with a high-performance technical platform meeting international standards.
The clinical part includes 9 hospitalization rooms, an independent operating room (2 rooms) for oocyte retrieval and testicular biopsies, an ultrasound room for ovulation monitoring, 2 intrauterine insemination rooms, and 2 embryo transfer rooms equipped with high-definition ultrasound.
The biological part includes a Diagnostic Spermology Laboratory, sperm sampling booths, a sperm preparation and embryonic culture laboratory, and a freezing room for cryopreservation of gametes and embryos meeting international standards.
The medical and paramedical staff of this center adhere to quality standards and listen to patients. It consists of two embryologist physicians, a team of practitioners including several internationally renowned gynecologists and uro-andrologists, about a hundred corresponding physicians from several Maghreb and African countries, a team of experienced and dynamic biologist technicians, and a team of midwives and nurses to assist patients.
The technical platform of the Reproductive Science Promotion Center is equipped with the latest technological advances and cutting-edge equipment: