Polyclinique Les Jasmins

In agreement with your doctor, you have chosen Polyclinique Les Jasmins.
Upon your arrival, you will be welcomed, informed, and guided by our reception staff to the relevant services for better care.

Once the admission formalities are completed, you will be escorted to the floor where your room is located.
A nurse will take charge of you and answer all your questions.
Please bring with you:
- The referral letter from your doctor
- Your identification
- Any possible coverage
- Any relevant medical records
An automatic message will be sent to your doctor to inform them of your arrival.

You will be settled in a room by a healthcare team and will receive information and medical recommendations essential for your care and/or examinations.
Every effort is made to make your stay as pleasant as possible.
Polyclinique Les Jasmins offers comfortable and air-conditioned rooms suitable for any medical care.
Suites are also available, providing maximum comfort during your stay.
The medical and paramedical team will ensure that everything is done to provide you with individualized and quality care and to make your stay as pleasant as possible. The follow-up of your medical journey is done through a completely computerized, confidential, and secure medical record.
The meals served are tailored to the diets recommended by doctors and are specifically monitored by our nutritionists, respecting your tastes and cultural requirements.
Polyclinique Les Jasmins ensures quality care and adheres to hygiene rules to prevent healthcare-associated infections.

After the authorization of your attending physician, your discharge will be decided.
The healthcare team will provide you with the medical record containing the results of the examinations.
The administrative file will be transmitted to the billing department for processing.
In a continuous effort to improve our service quality, our satisfaction questionnaire will be given to you before discharge to share your feedback on the various services provided during your journey at our clinic.
Upon settling the bill, the patient is provided with:
- The medical record containing all explorations and examinations conducted during the stay.
- A discharge summary issued to the head of the hospitalization department.
- An itemized invoice detailing the various services with supporting documents for all services consumed during the stay.